Підручники - ENGLISH PHONETICS (contrastive analysis of English and Ukrainian pronunciation). 2-ге видання розширене і перероблене.

УДК 811.111’34 (075.8)

Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України як підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів (лист №14/18.2-236 від 02.02.2006 р.)

Багмут Алла Йосипівна, доктор філологічних наук, пророфесор кафедри славістики Київського національного універсітету ім. Т. Шевченко.
Жаборюк Олена Анатоліївна, доктор філологічних наук, пророфесор кафедри граматики англійської мови Одеського національного універсітету ім. І.І. Мечникова.
Карпенко Юрій Олександрович, доктор філологічних наук, пророфесор кафедри української мови Одеського національного універсітету ім. І.І. Мечникова.

Бровченко Т.О., Корольова Т.М.
Фонетика англійської мови (контрактивний аналіз англійської і української вимови): Підручник. – 2-ге вид. переробл. та доп. – Миколаїв: Вид-во МДГУ ім. Петра Могили, 2005. – 208 с.

© Бровченко Т.О., Корольова Т.М., 2006
© МДГУ ім. Петра Могили, 2006

1. Foreword
2. Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
3. Phonetics – a Science of Sounding Speech Phonetics – a Science of Sounding Speech
4. Contrastive Linguistics Contrastive Linguistics
Experimental Methods in Phonetics
5. Laboratories of Experimental Phonetics Laboratories of Experimental Phonetics
6. Methods and Apparatuses of Experimental Phonetics Methods and Apparatuses of Experimental Phonetics
7. The Theory of Phoneme The Theory of Phoneme
8. The Systems of English and Ukrainian Phonemes The Systems of English and Ukrainian Phonemes
9. The Organs of Speech The Organs of Speech
10. Speech Sounds Speech Sounds
11. Phonetic Transcription Phonetic Transcription
12. Graphical Representation of Intonation Graphical Representation of Intonation
Part I Segmental Units of Speech
13. Chapter 2 Vowels in English and Ukrainian Classification of Vowels
14. The Position of the Tongue The Position of the Tongue
15. The Position of the Lips The Position of the Lips
16. . Stability of the Vowels Articulation . Stability of the Vowels Articulation
Articulation of English and Ukrainian Vowels in Detail
17. English Front Vowels in Comparison with Ukrainian Front Vowels The English Vowel [i:]
18. The English Vowel [I]
19. The English Vowel [e]
20. The English Vowel [x]
21. English Back Vowels in Comparison with Ukrainian Back Vowels The English Vowel [Q:]
22. The English Vowel [P]
23. The English Vowel [L]
24. The English Vowel [V]
25. The English Vowel [H]
26. The English Vowel [A]
27. English Mixed Vowels in Comparison with Ukrainian Vowels The English Vowel [E:]
28. The English Vowel [q]
29. English Diphthongs English Diphthongs
30. The English Diphthongs [Iq], [eq], [Vq]
31. The English Diphthongs [eI], [aI], [qI]
32. The English Diphthongs [qV], [aV]
33. The English Sound Combinations [aIq], [aVq]
34. Summary
Chapter 3 Consonants in English and Ukrainian
35. Classification of Consonants Classification of Consonants
36. Classification of Consonants According to the Active Organs of Speech Classification of Consonants According to the Active Organs of Speech
37. Classification of Consonants According to the Manner of the Production of Noise Classification of Consonants According to the Manner of the Production of Noise
38. Classification of Consonants According to the Work of the Vocal Chords Classification of Consonants According to the Work of the Vocal Chords
Articulation of English and Ukrainian Consonants in Detail
39. English Labial Consonants in Comparison with Ukrainian Labial Consonants The English Consonants [p], [b], [m]
40. The English Consonant [w]
41. The English Consonants [f], [v]
42. English Forelingual Consonants in Comparison with Ukrainian Forelingual Consonants The English Consonants [t], [d], [n]
43. The English Consonants [s], [z]
44. The English Consonants [T], [D]
45. The English Consonants [S], [Z]
46. The English Consonants [C], [G]
47. The English Consonant [l]
48. The English Consonant [r]
49. English Mediolingual Consonant [j] in Comparison with English Mediolingual Consonant [j] in Comparison with
50. English Backlingual Consonant Phonemes in Comparison with Ukrainian Backlingual Consonants The English Consonants [k], [g]
51. Pharyngal Consonants The English Consonant [N]
52. The English Consonant [h]
53. Summary
Chapter 4 Pronunciation of Sounds in Connected Speech
54. Characteristics Features of Connected Speech Characteristics Features of Connected Speech
55. Styles of Pronunciation Styles of Pronunciation
56. Reduction Reduction
57. Assimilation Assimilation
58. Assimilation as the Result of Speech Organs Articulation
59. Complete and Partial Assimilation
60. Progressive and Regressive Assimilation
61. Contact and Distant Assimilation
62. Historical and Living Assimilation
63. The Interchange of Sounds The Interchange of Sounds
Chapter 5 Syllabics
64. Introduction Introduction
65. Syllabic Theories Syllabic Theories
66. Contractive Analysis of Syllables in English and Ukrainian Contractive Analysis of Syllables in English and Ukrainian
67. Summary
Chapter 6 Word Stress in English and Ukrainian
68. Introduction Introduction
69. Degrees of Word Stress Degrees of Word Stress
70. Experimental Investigation of Word Stress Experimental Investigation of Word Stress
71. Acoustic Nature of Word Stress in English Acoustic Nature of Word Stress in English
72. Acoustic Nature of Word Stress in Ukrainian Acoustic Nature of Word Stress in Ukrainian
73. Perception of Acoustic Characteristics of Word Stress in English and Ukrainian Perception of Acoustic Characteristics of Word Stress in English and Ukrainian
74. Position of Word Stress in English and Ukrainian Position of Word Stress in English and Ukrainian
75. Summary
Part II Suprasegmental Units of Speech
76. Chapter 7 Intonation in English and Ukrainian Introduction
77. Bibliography