Навчальний посібник з курсу ”Теорія та практика
перекладу” “The World of Independing and Translating”. –
Миколаїв: Вид-во МДГУ ім. Петра Могили, 2008. – 232 с.
ISBN 978-966-336-110-9
Посібник має за мету познайомити майбутніх фахівців
з перекладу із основними поняттями перекладознавства.
Завдання посібника спрямовані на вдосконалення
культури мови оригіналу і мови перекладу.

УДК 81’25
ББК 81-7

© Кузенко Г.М. 2008
© МДГУ ім. Петра Могили, 2008

3. Translation, types of translation
4. Levels and types of equivalents
5. Methods and ways of translating various proper names
6. Conveying the names of companies, corporations, firms
7. Units of international lexicon and ways of rendering their meaning and lingual form
8. Ways of conveying the lexical meaning of genuine internationalisms
9. Translating of loan internationalisms
10. Units of nationally biased lexicon and ways of their translation
11. Ways of rendering the meaning of nationally biased units of lexicon
12. Translation of idiomatic/phraseological and stable expressions
13. Transformation of some idioms in the process of translating
14. Rendering of the contextual meanings of the definite and indefinite articles
15. Realization of contextual meanings of the definite articles
16. Realization of contextual meanings of the indefinite article
17. Asyndetic noun clusters and rendering their meaning into Ukrainian
18. Approaches to translating asyndetic substantival clusters
19. Translation of two-componental asyndetic substantival clusters
20. Translation of three-componental asyndetic substantival clusters
21. Translation of four-componental asyndetic substantival clusters
22. Translation of five-, six- and seven-componental asyndetic substantival clusters
23. Translation of english verbals and verbal constructions/complexes
24. Ways of rendering the lexico-grammatical meanings and functions of the english infinitive
25. Ways of translating infinitival complexes
26. Ways of translating the participles and participial constructions
27. Ways of translating participial constructions/complexes
28. Structural types of ukrainian language units conveying the meanings of the nominative absolute participial constructions
29. Translation of the gerund and gerundial complexes
30. Ways of translating gerundial complexes/constructions
31. The lexico-grammatical expression of modality through modal verbs
32. English modal verbs having not always modal verbs equivalents in Ukrainian
33. Ways of conveying the meanings of subjective modality
34. Grammatical modality and means of expressing it
35. Basic translation devices
36. Transformation in the process of translation
37. Grammatically and stylistically/subjectively prearranged transformations
38. Ways of conveying the passive voice constructions
39. Objectively required and subjectively introduced/contextual transformations of language units
40. Objectively and subjectively conditioned transformations of lexical units in the process of translation
41. Additional texts for written or oral translation
42. Glossaries for simultaneous interpreters
44. Список використаної та рекомендованої літератури